Weekend with Family at KLCC

Fara & Alya
Ajib at KLCC Park

Abg Yeop with his new Nikon DSLR

With my sis Kak Cah & Kema at Suria KLCC

Some of the photos were taken with Canon EF 85mm F1.8. This just an amazing lens and great value for money. Really hard to beat. IMO, its a great lens for shooting portraits but the focal length a bit long for cameras with APS-C sized sensor (1.6 crop factor). Becomes a 136mm on my 450D. I love the build and the fast focus with a constant 1.8 aperture. The bokeh is superb.

Everytime I use this lens, I'm surprised how good it is. I don't know why I waited so long to get it. If you considering buying this lens, just go and buy it. You will love it:) Overall, I like it more and more everyday. For the price to performance ratio...this lens is a winner. Highly recommended!!


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