Reza Hezrique's Farewell Dinner

April 21st, 2012 my friend and I had arranged a farewell dinner for one of our best friend, Reza Hezrique at Chili's BSC. We reached there around 9.30pm and had dinner until 12.30am. Reza has decided to further study in Australia. So he will live and study there for at least 3 years to complete his PhD. To Reza, I wish you all the best and hope all your dreams come true. I know there are a lot of wonderful things waiting for you there...just don't forget to share them with us:) Till we meet again..take care bro! I will definitely visit you there one day...haha

Reza's Farewell Dinner

Chilis Skillet Quesso

Reza's Farewell Dinner


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