Men's Health Night Run 2012

Yesterday was my 3rd Marathon I've joined for this year. Normally I only join 10km run...but for this run, it was 11.8km. The run flagged off at 8.00pm at Putrajaya. I reached there 30 minutes earlier so that I have enough time to warm up a lil bit before I start running. I think I have properly prepared myself for this run. 

Men's Health Night Run 2012

The route was quite challenging. There were too many gradients at most of the area and I have to maintain my pace in order to achieve my target time. For this run only top 500 runner will get a finisher medal. So in order to achieve that, I have to make sure that I run within 5 minutes for each kilometer. I used endomondo application on my blackberry to keep track my record. It's a very good sport application.

At one point I almost gave up my run but I told myself it'd be better to slowly slog through the run as long as I wasn't hurting myself. I think I have been pushing myself too hard for the first few kilometers. Finally I was able to get 11.8km done in 1hour and 6minutes with an average 5. 23min/km. I know this wasn't my best record but I still managed to get a finisher medal. This was my first time I finished my run side by side with my twin brother. We kept running side by side from starting line to the finishing line :)

My Lap times for each kilometer

Men's Health Night Run 2012 Finisher Medal


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